Friday 20 November 2015

COP2: Essay Idea (Finally)

The initial inspiration for my essay subject was introduced to me in the recent COP lecture about Identity, in which the idea of cultural appropriation was brought up, discussing the american city Las Vegas. There were a lot of interesting ideologies surrounding Las Vegas, linking to post modern american identity, and the idea that in this city of 'Simulation and Sin' it has everything you need, hinting at the idea that you do not need to travel. I was also really drawn to the visual culture of Las Vegas, and think it would be something I would enjoy using in my illustrations.

"I didn't like Europe as much as I liked Disney World. At Disney World all the countries are much closer together, and they show you just the best of each country. Europe is boring." - A college graduate just back from her first trip to europe. - 
A quote from Repairing the American Metropolis: Common Place Revisited.

I felt this particular concept was really interesting and led me to think about American psyche and the idea of not engaging with other cultures. The visual culture of America is big and brash which can also be seen in advertisements and movies, american war films in particular. This can be related to how Las Vegas has its own replicas of many wonders of the world, and how they are all smashed together in a way to make it bigger and better than anywhere on earth. Improving them? Putting a roller coaster through them? Showing off? Statement of Success?

Notes from my COP Tutorial

During this session I got into a really interesting discussion with my table - other elements of Las vegas: casino conspiracy, no clocks in casinos? TACTICAL FABRICATION to get you to gamble more? can this be applied to the whole city? 

Useful Links/Sources

- Interesting article about how the Carpets in Las Vegas casinos are engineered to increase gambling:
"With floors that look like that, who would ever want to let their eyes wander off the games?"

- Photographer Chris Maluszynski photographs Vegas casino carpets;

- Repairing the american metropolis: common place revisited -'t+like+europe+as+much+as+i+liked+disneyworld&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj83e6pn5_JAhXIORQKHX4xCPYQ6AEIIjAA#v=onepage&q=i%20didn't%20like%20europe%20as%20much%20as%20i%20liked%20disneyworld&f=false

- Comparison of Las Vegas to Disneyland
Is Las Vegas an amusement park for Adults?
- Las Vegas in the Rearview Mirror: The City in Theory, ...

- An Invitation to Social Theory

Essay Question????

"What is the Relationship between Architecture and Hedonistic Behaviour in Las Vegas?"
"...relationship between visual culture and hedonistic behaviour in Las Vegas?"

"Drunk on Culture + Excitement"

Friday 13 November 2015

COP2: Seminar - Planning + Structuring Essay

- Gather what you have got
Identify what actives you need to do.

- What does your reader need to know in order to understand your argument?

Thursday 5 November 2015

COP2: Lecture - Identity

Topics discussed 
Historical concepts of identity
foucault's 'discourse' theory 
Zygmunt Bauman
Identity in the digital domain


Our biological make up

Physiognomy - legitimising racism

Chris Ofili - holy Virgin Mary 1996. First person to ever depict Mary as a black woman.

Pre modern identity - identity is stable modern identity

Baudelaire - concept of 'flaneur' (gentlemen stroller)
If you don't have to wear work clothes - indication that you don't need to work. 

trickle down theory 
The 'mask' of fashion

Michel Foucault

Notion of stereotyping
ethnicity etc

Humphrey Spender/ mass observation 
Work town project 1937 - boring images suggest boring existence?

Martin Parr - The last resort 1983-86
'Last place youd want to go to' 
Publication will be viewed by upper/middle class audience.

Ascot - lower class people dressing up, roll that doesn't suit them?

Jonathan barnbrook - bastard typeface

Las Vegas - post modern identity 
History of modern America 
Indigenous people not being represented
Suggest that you don't need to travel? Vegas has everything you need.

"I didn't like Europe as much as I liked disneyworld" 

Contextual references 

Emily bates - dress made out of her own hair
Wilson E 1985 - hatred of women 
homosexual designer 
forcing them into ugly clothes
Gillian wearing - 'I don't want to look like a boy'
Cindy Sherman - untitled film stills 1977-1980
Sam Taylor wood - 1995
Sarah Lucas - au naturel
Tracey Emin - everyone I have ever slept with 

Based on society's perception of identities - playing to it