Tuesday 14 April 2015


  1. 1.
    the action or process of persuading someone or of being persuaded to do or believe something.
    "Monica needed plenty of persuasion before she actually left"
    synonyms:coaxing, persuading, coercioninducementconvincing,
     blandishment,encouragementurgingprompting, inveiglement,
     temptationcajolery,enticement, wheedling, pressuremoral pressure

Becoming An Expert - 35 Facts + Map Of Understanding

(35 facts are integrated and arranged on my map of understanding)

This is my Map Of Understanding, based around the subject of Attitudes towards smoking. Here I have really looked into a range of topics, including e-cigarettes, social media, celebrities and artist research. I feel like I really got my head around my chosen topic and took it alot further than I originally thought.

From creating my map of understanding, I have gained an insight into my intentions for the next stage of my COP module. I intend to take a step back from Cigarette Advertising, and focus on Persuasive techniques in Advertising as a whole. Whether that be persuasive for positive or negative purposes. I intend to look into Vance Packard and "The Hidden Persuaders". Perhaps the theme of 'persuasion' would be an interesting theme to explore also, disregarding the theme of consumerism completely.

I am currently unsure as to how I will adapt my subject for a Visual Diagram, however I know that I would like it to be satirical with a slight hint of humor, taking inspiration from Chris(Simpsons Artist).