Tuesday, 27 September 2016

COP3: Organising Your Research

Deadline: Thursday 12th January (2-4pm)

Reflection > Theory > Action : Praxis

Learning Outcomes of this module:
Project Management
Self Motivation

400 Hours of study: 
6-9000 word dissertation
Related practical work
w/ 2.5 hours of support

Aim to have a substantial draft by christmas

Methodologies and Critical analysis
Resolving your research project 
Keeping to academic conventions

Planning The Project

- Write Down all the questions that you want to investigate
- Consider each on their merits and focus on 2
- write an A4 first thoughts sheet for each
- What is the purpose of the study?
- Is your question researchable?
- Working Title - Should provide an answerable question
- Make notes of key questions that your research raises as you go along
- Title should be no more than 15-20 words

Project Outline

- Stick question on the wall/somewhere you will always see it (remind yourself, is what i'm doing relevant?)
- Think about your working title and the different components that need researching
- Aim to have title and project outline for first tutorial

Literature Search

- Sampling - Who gets mentioned over and over again?
- 100 hours of reading/research 
- www.jstor.org < USE IT
- Structure dissertation into chapters. Complimentery but with different focuses/different theoretical or methodical approaches.


  1. Write down all q's that you want to investigate
  2. Write A4 first thoughts sheet for each
  3. Working title
  4. Project Outline

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