My hot dog book mockups (very simple, but demonstrate a few different ideas)
- Shop fronts inspired by Louise Lockhart - Up my street concertina
- A book that illustrates your path through a shopping centre. What you see, order of products etc.
- Maze colouring book, interactive.
- Escalator / playing with the physical function of the book?
I came to this critique with a very vague idea of what I want to make for part 2. I'm really concerned that my practical work will be very closely related to my essay, and will just be illustrating it, which are qualities demonstrated in my hotdog books. The feedback I gained on them was really interesting, yet once again there wasn't really an idea that I wanted to explore. I like the idea of making my book interactive, encouraging physical interaction with my book, like an environment.
Feedback based on my initial book ideas/mockups:
- Book inside a book?
- Different flaps (interactive quality)
- Don't just focus on physical shopping environments, look into online shopping?
- How do websites direct you? Facebook?
- Infinite Scroll? links to idea of escalator (constant flow of information)
- Think about different environments that people can be controlled around / Does it even have to be an environment?
- Think about Format of the book - may inspire content?
What to include in a proposal?
- Be specific
- Ideas/Themes
- Methodology
- Clear Outcome
- Materials
- Audience
- Justify what you're doing - why?
- Summary /concise
- Research, theories
- Questions
- Deadline
- Enthusiasm
- Potential Outcome
Before writing the proposal for my outcome, I need to really think of an idea.