Tuesday, 14 April 2015


  1. 1.
    the action or process of persuading someone or of being persuaded to do or believe something.
    "Monica needed plenty of persuasion before she actually left"
    synonyms:coaxing, persuading, coercioninducementconvincing,
     blandishment,encouragementurgingprompting, inveiglement,
     temptationcajolery,enticement, wheedling, pressuremoral pressure

Becoming An Expert - 35 Facts + Map Of Understanding

(35 facts are integrated and arranged on my map of understanding)

This is my Map Of Understanding, based around the subject of Attitudes towards smoking. Here I have really looked into a range of topics, including e-cigarettes, social media, celebrities and artist research. I feel like I really got my head around my chosen topic and took it alot further than I originally thought.

From creating my map of understanding, I have gained an insight into my intentions for the next stage of my COP module. I intend to take a step back from Cigarette Advertising, and focus on Persuasive techniques in Advertising as a whole. Whether that be persuasive for positive or negative purposes. I intend to look into Vance Packard and "The Hidden Persuaders". Perhaps the theme of 'persuasion' would be an interesting theme to explore also, disregarding the theme of consumerism completely.

I am currently unsure as to how I will adapt my subject for a Visual Diagram, however I know that I would like it to be satirical with a slight hint of humor, taking inspiration from Chris(Simpsons Artist).